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Marketing Planning & Consultation

“What do you want to achieve or avoid? ...
How will you go about achieving your desired results?
The answer to this you can call strategy.”
-- William E. Rothschild

Comprehensive Marketing Planning

Now that you have built a solid marketing foundation with the Essential System, your opportunities are wide open. You no longer need focus on "the basics," but are well-positioned to take your practice to the next, more profitable level. A comprehensive marketing plan will turbo-charge your Essential System.

Jennifer Campbell Goddard
Jennifer (Campbell) Goddard, our CEO, will work with you directly.Your planning will involve at least three personal conferences (more may be required) and will ideally involve key members of your staff as well. On-site visits can be arranged (travel expenses billed separately).

Comprehensive Marketing Planning includes:

  • Assessment of Your Leadership Style. You will participate in an insightful examination of your personal behavioral and management style. We use the DiSC profile assessment system. Most of our clients find reviewing the 30-page (approximate) report an extremely eye-opening, and sometimes life-changing experience.
  • SWOT Analysis. With our extensive Practice Analysis, we will examine your firm's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges.
  • Goal-Setting. Based on these assessments, we will work with you to establish short, medium and long-term goals for your practice.
  • Strategy Plan. Together we will develop a Strategy Plan, outlining the general strategy we will follow to meet your goals.
  • Marketing Action Plan. Finally, we will recommend the specific tactics, including timelines, deadines, reporting, tracking and budget, to implement your Strategy Plan. And, you will have a head-start on success, because you already have many of the tactical tools in place!

Flat-fee: $5,000
(plus expenses for travel if requested by client)

Campaign-Specific Marketing Planning

We also can work with you on a more limited basis to build a Campain-Specific Marketing Plan. In this instance, we will tackle a single project -- such as a workshop series for business owners -- and help you plan every aspect, from choosing a location and setting a budget, to strategic follow-up and tracking and reporting results. Your project may be a small one that requires only a few hours of assistance, all the way to full-blown promotional assistance that could include custom-designed postcards, mailing lists, media purchases, etc. Bring us your ideas and we will work within your budget.

Fees Quoted Per Project

Website Integration

Remember, your website is now the "hub" of your ongoing marketing. It is no longer a static "online brochure," but rather the engine of your marketing system. Whether you are launching a series of workshops, or working with allied professionals to build your referral stream, your website should be supporting your efforts as a key player. Please bring your ideas and challenges to us and let us put your creative team to work. You will want to keep your social media marketing, e-newsletters, website and newsletters working in synchronicity for your best results.

Some examples of what we could do include:

  • Launch a Google Adwords campaign based on keywords.
  • Re-code parts of your website's SEO to coordinate with the campaign.
  • Design a custom landing page.
  • Add a registration form, a white paper download, or an online webinar on a specific topic.
  • Design a roll-over ad promotion on your home page.

The ways in which we can now utilize your website, social media, and other aspects of your Essential system are virtually endless. As an Essential client, you should never embark on another marketing or promotional campaign without integrating the support of your Essential System.

Fees Quoted Per Project

Essential Support brings the best of the best legal marketing and strategies to ensure your success. Essentials clients have access to an array of exclusive products, services, and pricing — and a team of legal marketing professionals bringing it all together. This is marketing and practice development as it should be!